Notas ao café…

Pagar o “acordo” ambiental

Posted in notas ao café by JN on Janeiro 25, 2010

Pavel Constantin, «»

Depois de Copenhaga e do “acordo” conseguido chegou um dos resultados: O Brasil, a China, a Índia e a África do Sul pediram que os países desenvolvidos que comecem, o mais depressa possível, a entregar os 10 mil milhões de dólares prometidos em Copenhaga aos países pobres, para que estes possam combater as alterações climáticas:

[…] The first funds should go to the least developed countries, including small island states and African countries, said Xie Zhenhua, China’s top climate change negotiator after a meeting of the representatives of the four nations in New Delhi.

The four developing world giants — known as BASIC — also said they would their submit plans for combatting climate change to the U.N. this week.

At Copenhagen conference, many developed countries had hoped the Kyoto Protocol, which only required emissions cuts of rich countries, would be replaced with an accord that also made demands on developing nations. But instead, President Barack Obama and the BASIC nations brokered a deal — the so-called Copenhagen Accord — requiring poor countries to propose voluntary actions by Jan. 31. That deadline has since been extended.

“We have the obligation to be the first to submit the action plans,” South Africa’s Environment Minister Buyelwa Sonjica told reporters. […]

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